things I love about college

I've been earlier to school today, I had LBM and I'm sleep, and yeah I'm a "college girl".
My life's getting a bit complicated but I'm lovin' it. I haven't been posting anything here for a while because I'm messed up. lol.

Things I LOVE about being in college:
*I'm gonna have my laptop. XD
*I have control over my life.
*The cute guys I always see in class, and my crush from Iraq. lol.
*I have super nice classmates.
*I am doing the things I really want to do!
*I am with über cool, nice and sweet room mates.
*I have instant ate's in the dorm.
*and a lot more!
Though all the homeworks, extra curricular activities, ROTC and the dreadful quizzes there a lot of things to love in college, like my crush. <33



Anonymous said...

Good luck with your college life Precious!
Just enjoy every moment of college. =)

Anonymous said...

looks like your having a time of your life on college huh?!

well there are still more to come...

Dont forget to party hard BUT STUDY HARDER ok..

good times

chai.latte said...

gudluck sa college life..
TOUGH: thats the word.. =D

Jem said...

I'll have my laptop too when I enter college. :))

Good luck. :D