Basic Communication

I am actually supposed to be typing my Religion 22 Reaction paper, about the Economic, Political and Social Implications of the Current Global Crisis: A Special University Convocation, but as usual, I got tired and chose to write in my blog. I'm such a lazy pig.
Aside from my current family problem (stated in my previous post), I also am having a very big problem with my last semester's Basic Communication 11 teacher (I won't tell you her name, for her life's sake because her life is in danger right now, I mean with all the threats and everything), and I really want to clarify that, I don't hate her and I don't want to kill her because of the grade she gave me, but I believe that maybe she committed some mistake, a 2.4 (in Silliman 4 is the highest, 1 is lowest) and that I need a 2.5 for my college's standard. Plus, I've never been absent, I submitted all requirements, I got 2.9 in my Midterm quizzes (as average) and I also got a 2.8 something during my Midterm examinations so it is really impossible for me to just have a 2.4! God knows how I worked hard for that subject, waking up everyday (1st period every MWF)and sleeping late just to research for her homeworks.
I really want to talk to her, I actually have to repeat BC11 to reach my college's standards but I really want to clarify my grade. I hope I'll catch her in her office anytime soon.
I also pray for her safety, I must admit she's a good teacher. :)

thank you for all who supported me during my lowest time.
thank you for all the advices, for the kinds words.
you don't know how much it inspired me to go on with my life
and to keep striving.
God bless you! :)



Anonymous said...

oh no!! you should not ask people to click the ads,, specially google ads,, or else she may get banned,, I was banned na, and now, I may have to use other peoples account if I want to still use adsense.. be aware, baka masayang ung earnings nya there

just an advisory :D