I Failed...

I am Precious Grace, married to David Archuleta and/or sometimes to Chace Crawford. A mass communicator student from Silliman University, Dumaguete who loves peanut butter and cheese bread. I eat a lot. My father's diabetic which means I have 50 % chance of being diabetic too. I can't sing or dance so basically the only thing I'm good at is being a bitch.
I babble a lot.

April ★ Ate Mars ★ B ★ Bee ★ Candy ★ Catherine ★ Clarisse ★ Charm ★ Ching ★ Cheen ★ Diyosann ★ Ervin ★ Evan ★ Grace ★ Guilia ★ Ishy ★ Ivy ★ Jasmine ★ Jeahan ★ Jepoy ★ Jerome ★ Jex ★ Jose ★ Karen ★ Kaakaams ★ Kimberly ★ Kreez ★ Krisel ★ Kuya Moe ★ Kyutie ★ Likko ★ Liza ★ Markie ★ Marla ★ Mia ★ Miel ★ Monique ★ Nathz ★ Neym ★ Nice ★ Plurk ★ Rah ★ Ranth ★ Ricky ★ RJ ★ Sarah ★ Shelo ★ Shalee ★ SMARK ★ Tara ★ Tepai Thea ★ Tine ★ XTY ★ Xyla ★ Yesha

Aww.. Sorry to hear that. But maybe there'll be better things for you to do?
I'm not sure what campus amba is. But I'm guessing its a Philippine University thing.
you're not gaga! you're just over qualified, something well come to your ways that will make you more proud of your self. Of course you're still the best in the family.
Failures come but in the end see that more colors come your way. Don't feel bad i know you're better than them.
Hay when can I see you? dapat fashionista ka gid da ha..send you bags and dress nlang if ever...
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