Anyways, I really felt stupid during the panel interview, I forgot what the channels of communication are and they blame me for not reading newspapers. Haha. It was my fault I know, though they were mean (I know they're just doing it for the sake of "really" digging up the real us) it was worth the experience. After the interview, Ube and I ran all over the field, wearing semi-formal attires and after that lied down in the pathway. Haha. Stupid I know but it was worth the experience. (:
The Campus Amba Experience
Anyways, I really felt stupid during the panel interview, I forgot what the channels of communication are and they blame me for not reading newspapers. Haha. It was my fault I know, though they were mean (I know they're just doing it for the sake of "really" digging up the real us) it was worth the experience. After the interview, Ube and I ran all over the field, wearing semi-formal attires and after that lied down in the pathway. Haha. Stupid I know but it was worth the experience. (:

I am Precious Grace, married to David Archuleta and/or sometimes to Chace Crawford. A mass communicator student from Silliman University, Dumaguete who loves peanut butter and cheese bread. I eat a lot. My father's diabetic which means I have 50 % chance of being diabetic too. I can't sing or dance so basically the only thing I'm good at is being a bitch.
I babble a lot.

April ★ Ate Mars ★ B ★ Bee ★ Candy ★ Catherine ★ Clarisse ★ Charm ★ Ching ★ Cheen ★ Diyosann ★ Ervin ★ Evan ★ Grace ★ Guilia ★ Ishy ★ Ivy ★ Jasmine ★ Jeahan ★ Jepoy ★ Jerome ★ Jex ★ Jose ★ Karen ★ Kaakaams ★ Kimberly ★ Kreez ★ Krisel ★ Kuya Moe ★ Kyutie ★ Likko ★ Liza ★ Markie ★ Marla ★ Mia ★ Miel ★ Monique ★ Nathz ★ Neym ★ Nice ★ Plurk ★ Rah ★ Ranth ★ Ricky ★ RJ ★ Sarah ★ Shelo ★ Shalee ★ SMARK ★ Tara ★ Tepai Thea ★ Tine ★ XTY ★ Xyla ★ Yesha

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