The Campus Amba Experience

"Inhale... Exhale..." that was my mantra before my campus ambassadors panel interview. Silliman University Corps of Campus Ambassadors (SUCCA) is like one of the most prestigious organizations in the campus, they are the "frontliners" of the school and they meet people, lead and travel (haha, in the flyers). It's so hard to describe amba, you should be a Sillimanian yourself to be able to relate.
Anyways, I really felt stupid during the panel interview, I forgot what the channels of communication are and they blame me for not reading newspapers. Haha. It was my fault I know, though they were mean (I know they're just doing it for the sake of "really" digging up the real us) it was worth the experience. After the interview, Ube and I ran all over the field, wearing semi-formal attires and after that lied down in the pathway. Haha. Stupid I know but it was worth the experience. (:
