Blogging had been very important to me since I started this Blogger account Summer 2008. No matter how busy I am, I see to it that I still blog and of course visit my online friends' blogs.
It made me realize that there is a big world out there, that there are different kinds of people aside from the people I know and that it is possible to find loyal and true friends through the internet.
It made me see that there are endless possibilities in this world we all live in and I am just a tiny talking creature who happens to blog.
Blogging made me appreciate my life, as well as the lives of other people. It made me see that I am not the only person in the world with problems.
It also made me realize that not all people will like you. Each and everyone of us may not like the same things and the only way to understand each other is through respect. I always thought that people won't give a damn to my life because I'm not famous... I was wrong. People care. When you have problems they give advices. They give you a lift when you feel so down and they pray for you.
You don't need to be famous for people to love you.
Maybe that's why God made blogging, for us to be closer to this world of endless possibilities. That all of us are connected...
Please pray for my grandmother.
She is in the hospital right now.
You are so right girl.. Blogging brings us to different people's lives and our lives to others as well..
correct! I hope your lola will get well soon. :)
i hope your lola will get well soon. And blogging is very popular nowadays!
that is what I love most in blogging. I'm not famous but I get the chance to meet other people a.k.a bloggers - who will give you wonderful ideas. :)
firstly, hope your grandmother is okay.. will include her in my prayers tonight :)
yeah me too.. i started blogging since gradeschool up to highschool.. but stopped when I reached college.. I missed blogging and meeting new people:) I really appreciate them visiting my site and commenting as well because they share their point of view, they give advice to you and share some similar stories with you as well :)
i agree with you..through blogging i meet new friends.
hope your lola will get well soon..
by the way,care for link ex?!
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