Giving Them What They Want

I recently got addicted to the game Wedding Dash: Aim to love. That’s the third installment to the game. I first the first installment when I was in first year where I had the luxury of time- I can play all day. Looking at myself now, I’m in my third year in college and I juggle in my hands the College of Mass Communication, the Weekly Sillimanian, the Corps of Campus Ambassadors plus the towering requirements of my News Editing, Feature Writing and Literature classes.

Going back to Wedding Dash (or you may be more familiar with Flo’s Diner Dash) you will organize a wedding then you serve the guests. For example, you seat them in a table they prefer, you give them the food they want and you all have to do it, all by yourself with the help of some upgrades that you can avail with the credits you earn. It’s a game of time management and prioritizing because sometimes, there may be two people who wants the same seat and what you have to do is compromise or learn how to give them something that they may also like.

I feel that my life like now is a real life Wedding Dash game where I have to juggle what everyone wants or I end up being hated by everyone (just like in wedding dash, when you don’t give what they want your points will be subtracted). My life today is a game of prioritizing things and dividing my time to be able to accommodate everything. A game where I have to please people whom I serve or they all end up posting hurtful status updates in Facebook (which happened a lot of times already). At the end of the day, just like the character in Wedding Dash (whether the wedding is successful or not) I have to remain humble and just do better next time. I have to keep all of these sentiments to myself and just accept all the bad things that people say about me.


Anonymous said...

I like the comparison.

Fickle Cattle said...

Facebook is evil (that's a joke). You can't please everyone, but your happiness is your own.

Yesha said...

wow i play that too and also diner dash it's addicting hihi..

that's right sweetie stay humble and just enjoy life.we only have 1 life <3

Anonymous said...

I like your reflection. :) Yes to staying humble and acceptance!

khene rae paranga said...

Me too! I play also that!
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