Dusting it Off
The friends who you know for a long time do not necessarily mean they are your best. There are people who you get to know only for an instant but they will be there forever.
It is during hard times when not only your real friends are revealed but also those you didn’t know you had. One thing I am very thankful for because of my experience is that I got to find and keep friends that before I never thought existed. New friendships blossom through tough moments…and these will be the loyal ones.
Running away is not the answer. If you don’t solve a problem it will follow you wherever you go. Even in places where people don’t know you. Face it.
Sometimes life is tough and some hateful people will always be around. But it only takes your belief in yourself and the strength that the people who love you give you to stand up to it.
Now , my darling, cry it out, scream, dust yourself off and get back in the game. The world is yours to conquer.
People like Ate Jen gives me hope. In this world where people always bring someone else down, it feels to nice to have someone, who is not even your relative, to say these things to you. Words that may seem empty to others but everything to you.
Thank you Ate Jen. You will always be my inspiration. :)
Giving Them What They Want

Going back to Wedding Dash (or you may be more familiar with Flo’s Diner Dash) you will organize a wedding then you serve the guests. For example, you seat them in a table they prefer, you give them the food they want and you all have to do it, all by yourself with the help of some upgrades that you can avail with the credits you earn. It’s a game of time management and prioritizing because sometimes, there may be two people who wants the same seat and what you have to do is compromise or learn how to give them something that they may also like.
I feel that my life like now is a real life Wedding Dash game where I have to juggle what everyone wants or I end up being hated by everyone (just like in wedding dash, when you don’t give what they want your points will be subtracted). My life today is a game of prioritizing things and dividing my time to be able to accommodate everything. A game where I have to please people whom I serve or they all end up posting hurtful status updates in Facebook (which happened a lot of times already). At the end of the day, just like the character in Wedding Dash (whether the wedding is successful or not) I have to remain humble and just do better next time. I have to keep all of these sentiments to myself and just accept all the bad things that people say about me.
Marina Clinic Reflection
I am very privileged to be able to be given the opportunity to meet wonderful people who, like me, want to change lives of the people in their community. I am so lucky that despite the fact that I can’t afford to donate money (like rich people do) I can still help and make a difference without spending a penny… well the fare maybe but that’s much much much lesser, you know.
Today in my assignment for Silliman on Air, my laboratory of my broadcasting communication class, I met a Dr. Amor from Marina clinic, a part of the extension program of my school where the clinic helps the people in the community not only recover from sickness but helps them be well in every aspect of their life. Like for example, the clinic also help their patients in their livelihood, in their family problems. It feels so good that in a world where people only think of their selves there are still a few who choose to help the community for free.
Life maybe sometimes cruel to all of us, to our country but people like Dr. Amor, volunteers at that clinic keeps my dream of a better world alive.
Note: I’m not good at feature articles ok? :P
A Day in My Life

We went bonding today! After hours of welcoming and collecting fees from the incoming MassCom freshies, we went to Panda to get some ice cream! I insisted my sister should get the fried ice cream thing but she didn’t want to so she had the cookies and cream thing.
In the picture: (1) My sister eating everything, including our food! (2) The earthquake cookies and cream thing (3) My ice cream cake, I wonder how they made that thing it was cake-y but it’s ice cream. (4) Treasure Mountain which we thought would be a good pick me upper after a break-up or a long exam, you have to eat it while listening to Miley Cyrus’s The Climb though and yeah it has Leche Flan inside! I think the Leche Flan is the ‘treasure’ haha!
I had so much fun bonding with my good friend Iresse (our Ms. MassCom who had to run to the oval after eating to burn the calories) and my sister, she loves ice cream too much.

After eating too much at Panda my sister and I went to the mall para magpahangin and then we found ourselves inside Booksale where we bought 2 new babies. Writing from the Body by John Lee for me because I need it as a Mass Communication student and the thriller novel Into the Garden by V.C. Andrews for my sister.
I still have 2 more years left in college and I don't need money to enjoy it. I will always have my friends and my family with me, I'm still privileged that I get to study in a university like Silliman. I will always look at the bright side of everything, I know I can get through this.
God bless us. :)

I am Precious Grace, married to David Archuleta and/or sometimes to Chace Crawford. A mass communicator student from Silliman University, Dumaguete who loves peanut butter and cheese bread. I eat a lot. My father's diabetic which means I have 50 % chance of being diabetic too. I can't sing or dance so basically the only thing I'm good at is being a bitch.
I babble a lot.

April ★ Ate Mars ★ B ★ Bee ★ Candy ★ Catherine ★ Clarisse ★ Charm ★ Ching ★ Cheen ★ Diyosann ★ Ervin ★ Evan ★ Grace ★ Guilia ★ Ishy ★ Ivy ★ Jasmine ★ Jeahan ★ Jepoy ★ Jerome ★ Jex ★ Jose ★ Karen ★ Kaakaams ★ Kimberly ★ Kreez ★ Krisel ★ Kuya Moe ★ Kyutie ★ Likko ★ Liza ★ Markie ★ Marla ★ Mia ★ Miel ★ Monique ★ Nathz ★ Neym ★ Nice ★ Plurk ★ Rah ★ Ranth ★ Ricky ★ RJ ★ Sarah ★ Shelo ★ Shalee ★ SMARK ★ Tara ★ Tepai Thea ★ Tine ★ XTY ★ Xyla ★ Yesha